Sunday, December 2, 2012

The EMD Update Up Is Down And What It Means to SEO

What Google has done with the latest EMD "exact match domain" update is to turn SEO on its head.  Why is this update so different?  What Google has done is to take one of the key "SEO best practices" and turned what used to be a benefit into a very very possible liability!

SEO basics 101 teaches you the first thing you do is to attempt to get an EMD "exact match domain".  Why is this accepted best practices?  Because it worked!  It used to work tremendously well.  Its effectiveness was diminished in later algorithm changes, but it would still give you a boost in your rankings!  The second thing is that it was EASY.  And, after all, if you are putting up a website you need a domain name anyway.

A whole cottage industry sprang up with people called "Domainers" who would buy up expired domains to resell at a profit.  Sometimes a very large profit!  If you have ever been on Digital Point Forum, you will find many Domainers selling their wares.  Recently, on a forum, I saw someone complaining that they had purchased an exact match domain for $3000 and this site was now nowhere to be found in the top hundred of Google.

From what I understand, Google put every EMD through some type of "quality filter" to determine which sites had "good content" and which sites didn't.  You need to understand the process is far from perfect and a lot of "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" occurred!

Why is this so different from everything else that has occurred recently?  It is because Google took something that was a benefit and made it a liability.  Obviously we knew Google could find every EMD.  Why?  Because obviously we were getting a benefit out of having an EMD.  So obviously, ANYTHING we do to get a positive ranking can be turned on its head and resulted in negative ranking.

You really have to understand Google's view.  Their stated recommendation is "If You Build It They Will Come".  They consider anything else you do to get your website a high-ranking "SEO" to be rank manipulation.  There is no Black hat SEO, gray hat SEO, white hat SEO, green, blue, yellow, you pick a color, SEO!  Anything you do to get a higher ranking is considered "Black hat "!

The biggest problem is that all of the "everybody knows" SEO tricks can be turned on their head.  The more "everybody" does something the more likely it comes to the attention of Google!  As they have demonstrated getting rid of some good sites to punish the bad sites is not a problem.

Anyone who has ever used adsense knows that Google's policy has always been to err on the side of caution.  We probably all know of people who have been banned from adsense and no amount of pleading, begging etc. will help you.

Is it all doom and gloom?  Luckily no!  We need another approach.  Luckily, there is one, or should I say four!  You need to click here for the answer.

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